3 secrets about the Italian Abruzzo region

Let yourself be enchanted by the Italian region of Abruzzo, an area with a huge number of nature parks, and with a unique charm.
secrets abruzzo region

The Abruzzo region is known for its breathtaking natural landscapes and excellent gastronomy. The journalist Primo Levi defined it as “strong and gentle”, a motto that its inhabitants ended up making their own.

Today, we travel to central Italy to discover 3 curiosities about this region:

Table of Contents

1. The green region of Europe

Although this region is located in the geographical center of the country, it belongs culturally and economically to Southern Italy.

It is a small territory, sparsely populated, but nevertheless home to spectacular mountain scenery. In fact. Abruzzo has 3 national parks, 1 regional park and 38 protected areas.

National Park Abruzzo

N.P. Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise

This National Park comprises 3 different Italian regions such as Lazio, Molise and Abruzzo. It is considered the oldest park in the country.

It is inhabited by different species of animals such as Marseille brown bears, golden eagles, Apennine wolves, deer, etc.

In relation to the flora, its beech forests, more than 500 years old, are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Given its location far from the sea, it has the characteristics of a continental climate.

N.P. Gran Sasso and Montes de la Laga

This park also covers 3 Italian regions: Abruzzo, Lazio and Marcas.

The Tirino river, with the clearest water in Europe, is ideal for canoeing. And it is one of the Apennine wolf’s enclaves.

Within the park there are interesting touristic towns such as Pietracamela, Castel del Monte, among others.

Abruzzo Gran Sasso
Nacional Park Majella

N.P. Majella

Located in the Abruzzo Apennines, in Chieti, L’Aquila and Pescara provinces.

It is a park with a large amount of rock, which helped the formation of caves for the shelter of animals and the building of cult temples.

If you want to visit the park we recommend you to do it by train, with the Trans-Siberian Railway of Italy.

2. Maremma and Abruzzo shepherds

Dog maremma abruzzo

The Abruzzo region has an economy based on livestock farming, thanks to the extensive areas of quality pasture. Nowadays, a figure that cannot be missing in any flock of sheep is the shepherd dog of the Maremma Shepherd breed, originally from Abruzzo.

These dogs, similar to mastiffs, protect the sheep from attacks by wolves that live in the parks.

This animal is characterized by its large size and is a faithful protector of its family. Their life expectation is between 10 and 13 years.

3. Abruzzo's gastronomy

Abruzzo’s gastronomy is divided between the areas influenced by the Adriatic Sea and the mountainous territories. Thus, in the coastal areas there is a predominance of Mediterranean gastronomy, with fish and seafood as main ingredients. And, in the inland areas, there is a predominance of meats.

However, there are some foods produced in the area with international fame:


Montepulciano de Abruzo

Montepulciano red wine is produced in the Abruzzo region, a wine with an intense ruby color. In the mouth, its flavor is reminiscent of red fruits and leaves a dry end.


Abruzzo is the region with a saffron origin denomination. In fact, the region is popularly known as “the land of yellow gold”.

In autumn, the fields of L’Aquila province are tinged with the violet color of saffron flowers. In the evenings, the flowers release their aroma and it is the ideal time for their meticulous harvesting.

Azafrán Abruzos
Sulmona Abruzzo

Confetto di Sulmona

It is one of the most famous regional sweets, especially in Sulmona. They are almonds covered with a sugar coating.

It is usually served in flowers, using the almonds as petals.


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“Patatas bravas”

Italian bruschetta with fresh basil

Hand-carved Iberian ham with tomato bread (half portion)

Andalusian-style fried calamari

MAIN COURSE (to choose)

Black rice with squid

Homemade meat or vegetable lasagna

Vegan option: Vegetable risotto

DESSERT (to choose)

Profiteroles with chocolate

Chocolate and walnut brownie

(served with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream)

Vegan option: Lemon sorbet


Water included

2 Glasses of red or white wine Envite joven D.O. Rioja


2 Soft drinks / 2 beers

(VAT included)